Mausoleum Project Calendar

Academia Foundation, as a result of its specified mission and vision, has organized the Herodotus History Conferences, international symposiums, and workshops. In addition to cultural activities aimed at raising public awareness, our foundation has developed projects to uncover and bring our historical heritage to the public.

The Dream of a World Wonder; Mozole Project
Prepared in 2001 by Prof. Kristian Jeppesen and Prof. Johannes Exner, the Mausoleum project was pre-approved by the Ministry of Tourism in the same year.
The new board of directors, which took office in July 2016, has made significant progress by restarting the project in a comprehensive manner. With the support of both the state bureaucracy and the Bodrum Municipality, the Mausoleum will soon have the place it deserves in the field of Bodrum culture and tourism.
Akademia Foundation History Conferences
Our Foundation organizes monthly history conferences in Bodrum, the birthplace of Herodotus, the father of history.
Our conferences, the first of which we started with Prof. Dr. Fahri IŞIK on “Hekatommos Sarcophagus”, continue with conferences on Carian Civilization and ancient Anatolian Peoples.
On 23-11-2016, Mr. Oğuz Alpözen, former director of Bodrum Museum, gave a conference to our members in our foundation building.
On 09-01-2017 Prof. Dr. Poul Petersen gave a conference to our members at our Foundation building about Halicarnassus excavations and our Mausoleum project.
On 18-02-2017, Prof. Dr. Fahri Işık gave a conference on the Hekatomnos Sarcophagus at the Herodotus Cultural Center with the participation of approximately 600 people.